LAVAZZA Germany to extend office in Frankfurt am Main
4. December 2020
The Arnulfpost Real Estate website is live
22. April 2021SteadWay’s quality standards meet ISO 9001 certification

One of the hallmarks of the SteadWay business since its founding five years ago has been our drive to provide high quality bespoke service solutions to meet and exceed our clients‘ expectations. We constantly strive to improve the quality of our service offering and as part of this strategy it was an important step at the end of 2018 for our quality management system to be approved by QAS as achieving the internationally accepted standards of ISO 9001:2015.
Since this initial accredition, our internal quality management procedures have been successfully audited on an annual basis, most recently in December 2020. We consider the ISO 9001 certification is a key element of our overall aim to continually review and optimize our business operation. A new feature of our quailty procedures for 2021 sees the introduction of an internal QM Team which will hold a virtual monthly meeting to coordinate our drive towards improved internal processes and ultimately services.
As the SteadWay business continues to grow in a demanding and challenging market our clients and partners can be assured that our proven quality management standards will remain steadfast and a cornerstone of our future growth.