Four CinemaxX cinema refurbishments completed in Germany
6. February 2020SteadWay staff trip to Lisbon
15. April 2020Patrizia buys Treptower in Berlin
Patrizia Deutschland successfully completed the acquisition of the Treptower high-rise building from ARB Investment Partners at the end of 2019. The 125 m office tower dating from 1998 remains the highest office building in Berlin. It consists of 32 storeys and encompasses almost 26,000 m² of lettable space. The transaction also included the “Molecule Men” artwork and came following Patrizia’s acquisition of the neighbouring 12,000 m² office building on Martin-Hoffman-Straße at the beginning of 2019.
SteadWay supported Patrizia on both transactions with Technical Due Diligence (TDD) services, including an assessment of expected maintenance costs as part of a future capital expenditure projection.